Ok from now on I´m going to announce this:
I´m going to blog for regular kids too, I just do it from time to time but
since I got a message in my flickr I decided that regular kids deserves
a space in this blog more often...since toddleedoo got all the attention from
designers and costumers. I think you deserve the best, I´ll try to bring you more often
blog post dedicated for you. Regular kids have to wear adult clothes since there are just
a few stores including - [SKM] Soken - I´ll be glad if designers can make shirts, blouses,
and more stuff without boobs so regular female kids could be more confy in their outfits!
If a designer could do this, more regular kids will be happy!
Thanks for your message
One more thing, I´ll continue with toddleedoo blog post
Be proud to wear s-xs-xxs-xxxs
(mesh clothes sizes for regular kids in adult clothes)
and thanks to adult designers for "small sizes"