♥Sweet Friend♥

She is my beautiful model and friend Roula Laville owner of Tiny Trinkets store
 and I´m so lucky that she said yes !!! so today she is my model for this blog post
I feel so happy and honored by her frienship.
Love you mines Rou
Long time ago I was trying to find a nice name for this blog post, it was a headache for me  because I never liked the name of my blog, but the main idea at the beginning was sharing with other bloggers so I could invite friends, bloggers or people like you...my readers! I know I been 2 months away for my hiatus mode, probably I can post not daily but weekly, I´m trying to do positive things and being more busy in rl cuz that makes me more happy, being in sl sometimes its not easy, because people tries to hurt me in different ways and 
I´m not a piece of wood without feelings. I´m not the first one who have a desire to leave everything, but I don´t want to feel sadness again, I hope everybody could understand that people have feelings, so today my lovely friend Rou is posing for me for this blog post. She is an awesome friend, cheers me up when I've been sad. And she insisted not to leave sl, to take my time and try to do other things to heal.
see you next time!
Thanks for reading, I hope one day I´ll come back more often maybe next year (new year/new beginning)

Jenna Langer

Skin; [AMITOMO]Love Tone2 SKIN
Freckles:  Izzie's - Freckles (body + face)
Shape; Bad seed - shape - avery baby 
Watch: {T.T}Sally watch -past LIMITED 50
Shoes: {T.T}Teddy flats with socks Available for LIMITED 50 NOVEMBER
Jewelry: {T.T}Birthstone jewel set Limited 50 October
 {T.T} Elli Bracelet
 {T.T} Heart ring 
Hair:  Wasabi Pills/ Anise Mesh Hair 
Outfit: {PB} Brownie Outfit LIMITED 50 October

Special thanks
Roula Laville
