Come and Join me!

 Hi Dear Friends: 
I want to invite you to Bitacora Land.
My aunt Goizane Resident won a contest for the 10th Birthday of SL, so
she wants to invite people to come and have a beautiful day in this sim.
My aunt is a blogger (all the members of my family are bloggers), she won a Homestead, 
and we are inviting each one of you to take pics, there´s a place for everybody, even for kids.
Bitacora Land is the Headquartes for Bitacora Viajera, which is a SL traveler blog. 

It´s a MATURE Sim. 
Remember to keep this place for all of us, as a safe place.
No weapons, No Nudity and lots of respect please! 
Enjoy your stay!

Welcome to Bitacora Land!
Yep! Pictures are allow...cuz bloggers are welcome to take pics too!
and you do not need to be a blogger to come and join us in this adventure

Jenna (regular kid shape)
I´m wearing: 

Hat: *Tentacio*@ [_Stuff in Stock_] - Cat hat pink
Hair: Wasabi Pills @ FaMESHed - Sarah
Necklace: LacieCakes - Angel Wing Daughter Necklace
Bracelets: LacieCakes - Loopy Loop Bracelets Pastel
Shirt: Soken Kids @ Market Place - Grandma's Favorite Short Sleeve Shirt MESH
Pants: Miel - Cargo Pants Cinder
Bag: *Tentacio* - Doll Bag August Gift FREE
Shoes: @ Love Donna Flora (until midnight)
Jumping Ball: Sweet Baby @ Market Place Jumping Ball [Three Colors]

Video: One Direction - Little Things
